Optimized with Partnership Horoscope for gays and lesbians
First the general meaning of your Zodiac Sign Gemini:
You as a Gemini love the variety, the diversity in all areas of life. First and foremost you are emphatic, you understand people and it is a great pleasure for you, especially at the thought level to see things very differently. This means you are a master of pointing out differences, but also a great relativizer and doubter who asks yourself the sublime and sacred unreservedly.
Characteristic is also your desire to pick up news and quickly transfer them to other people. You are a good broker-dealer primarily by news but also of goods with a fast turnover.
You have many positive characteristics:
You are interested in many things, and in almost all matters you are very skilled, agile, lively, and you do not have a lot of prejudice towards others. You are communicative, sociable, open-minded and you can be very curious.
But you also have negative characteristics:
You are often scattered, erratic, nervous, very talkative, precocious, opportunistic, unfortunately, often unreliable, superficial, trivial and carelessly.
Your characteristics in love, sex and relationship:
You as Gemini love the variety, which has found the reflection in the number of your relationships and your passions. If you are single, you have almost a wear of partners, but if once you were caught and tied, then you are more loyal, but not shy of a flirt with an other person.
During sex you are very creative and varied, you like a long, erotic foreplay, but when it comes to the point, you are quickly finished and then immediately you set your focus on other things.